Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fun with Smith and Addison

Carter, Smith, and Addison have become fast friends! This week was so much fun because I got to do so much with friends, like sewing with Mary and Macy (more on that later). Carter and I got together with the Krissee and the twins twice this week. The first afternoon trip was to Target and the pizza joint where we needed a table of 8 to fit all of our strollers and gear.

Large table for only two adults!

Today we went over to Krissee's to help out because dad Daniel was out of town. Let me just go on record as saying.....I'm sooo glad I don't have twins. Seriously, I'm not sure how she does it. At one point I was bouncing Carter on my knee trying to keep him from melting down at the same time trying to get Addison to finish her bottle and there was Krissee and Smith over on the couch just enjoying the show. I think Krissee got a pretty big kick out of it. We decided we wanted to go to Tot Trade this afternoon, so we loaded up the kids and it looked a little something like this...

It was pretty tight quarters, but they didn't seem to mind. Anyway, it was a fun day for the kids and moms!


Scott, Holly, Teagan and Jellybean said...

I love the picture of the car seats. That must've been a fun trip.

Krissee said...

I loved getting to hang out so much this week! Thanks for coming over today, I appreciate the help and its nice to get out of the house time to time. Can't wait to see what fun we can get into next week.

Chap and Heather said...

You guys are so lucky you get to hang out and have fun with babies and food! I want to play!!!

I can't believe how big those Daybies are getting, can't wait to see them on Sunday!!

Chap and Heather said...

Just had a thought...maybe Krissee will let me borrow one of her babies so I can come play (till I get my own at least?)


The Morgans said...

That looks hilarious and fun!!! I wish I could have been there, I know there was a lot of laughing!!! All the babies look adorable in their car seats!

The Morgans said...
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Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

krissee-we'll definitely have to plan something for next week.

Heather-I'm sure krissee will let you borrow a baby. mono y mono with the kiddos would work out much better i'm sure!

Jaysey said...

That's a lot of little humans in one car. I cannot believe you need a table for eight. No offense, but I would not want to eat out with all y'all and your kids. I'm impressed that Krissee gets out of the house like that--I think just thinking about it would make me so tired I'd just end up staying home. But then again, that's why I'm on birth control. What is this tot place and what do your tots do there?

Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

Jenn-I'm impressed Krissee gets out of the house too. It's hard enough with one! Tot Trade is a big consignment sale that happens twice a year and they have EVERYTHING baby and child related.

Chap and Heather said...

Todd Trade sounds like heaven.

Chap and Heather said...

oops...I meant tot.

the holly said...

look how fun! glad you are blogging! i'll be reading! :)