Thursday, March 12, 2009

Doctor Doctor, Gimmie the News!

I forgot to mention in my marathon post that Carter also had his 9 month well visit with the pediatrician last week. His stats are as follows:

Weight - 20 lbs. 6ozs.
Height – 29 in.
Head Circumference – 19 in.

Carter was in the 50th percentile for his weight and head circumference and in the 75th percentile for his height. Maybe we’ll have a tall boy! Anyway, the doc said his hemoglobin was low and wanted us to start giving him a daily vitamin. I was thinking something along the lines of a chewable Flintstones vitamin. Weren’t those great? I used to tell my mom that I didn’t take my vitamin that day when I actually already did just so I could have another one. I mean, he HAS teeth and this boy will eat anything so I’m sure he could gnaw up a little vitamin. This is NOT what the doc was talking about. He was talking about the liquid infant vitamin. Let me just tell you….it’s brownish yellow, looks like cough syrup, and smells disgusting, but Carter takes it like a champ. That boy will eat anything!

The doc also said we could start Carter on some table food and try to phase out the baby food by the time he’s 1 year old. We had already started letting him taste pretty much anything that we were eating. Now, every night this week he has had ALL table food for dinner. NO baby food! He’s doing really great with it. We’ve given him chicken, rice, squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, spaghetti, steamed carrots….he loves it all.

I also talked to Carter’s teacher at day care and she said he is doing much better. In fact, he’s gotten quite attached to another little boy in the class, Will. Will is the only other baby that’s crawling, the rest are already walking. Anyway, she told me Carter follows Will around the classroom and she even puts their mats beside each other when it’s nap time because they try to talk to each other when they’re trying to go to sleep. How cute is that?!! Carter has a friend at school…I love it!


Chap and Heather said...

Oh, you have GOT to take a picture of Carter and Will...I totally need a visual on this cuteness!

Hooray for Carter's health! Too bad about the vitamins...I still take Flinstones, they are the best!

Jaysey said...

I'm glad he has a friend--that's great!

Anonymous said...

That boy will eat anything--- great and it is your and Scott's job to see that he continues to eat a good mix of things and not be so picky as some people we know were/are.
Love Papa

Colly said...

Aww. Carter has a little buddy. It must be really cool when you start to get to see them as real personalities and relating to others! You should take a picture so Carter will know who his first BFF was. ;-)