Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day Care

The day care called me a few weeks ago to say that they were able to finally accept Carter into the program...I cried. I knew it was coming, but some how I just wanted to believe that mom could stay here forever and watch the baby and everything would be fine. In reality, I knew that was impossible, but I just wasn't ready to face Carter having to go to day care. Well, his first day was this past Monday, which means my mom went home on Sunday.

I can't even describe what it was like having mom here the last two months. It was WONDERFUL! It was so fun coming home from work to mom and Carter everyday, and she was such great company. I will never forget this time I got to spend with her and the time that she got to spend with Carter. It made the transition of me going back to work so much easier. I had almost two months to get used to working again before I had to get used to sending Carter to day care everyday. Anyway, mom left Sunday and I was so sad to see her go.

Carter's first day of day care went well. The teacher said he cried a little off and on, but that was probably because it was a different environment. But he didn't cry when I dropped him off in the morning and that is good because that would have just broken my heart. And I didn't cry when I dropped him off, so I was proud of myself for that. I really wanted to but I knew if I did I wasn't sure if I would be able to stop. And showing up at work with puffy eyes and smeared mascara was not something I wanted to try. Carter sure was happy to see me when I picked him up and that made me feel good. Today was his second day and the teacher reported that he did great today, much better than yesterday. So, that is great news. I'm sure by the end of the week he'll have the schedule down and get used to seeing his teacher and the other kids everyday. I think this has been much harder on me than it has been him. Go figure!


Dawn said...

I am glad things went ok. How about the napping? Did he stay on his mat?

Scott, Holly, Teagan and Jellybean said...

I am so glad that he liked it!! That makes it so much easier. Thanks for sending mom back our way!! We sure did miss her. Love you!

Mike Gellatly said...

so proud of you for being a brave mommy! and i'm really glad he seems to be settling into the new routine. he'll have fun interacting with the other kids, you'll be amazed at how much he learns from that! love y'all!


The Morgans said...

Awwww.....I can't even imagine how hard that was. But just think about all the little friends he will make. I am glad you made it without crying! Good for you!

Chap and Heather said...

That's a tough one...but like I told you on the phone, it would be a lot tougher taking him to a place that you didn't love as much =) I feel like he's growing up so fast!! =( I need him to stop!

I also need to see him again...SOON! love you!

Jaysey said...

Way to go not crying! You're so lucky your mom was able and willing to help you out like that. She's pretty awesome.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you did well. I knew Carter would. I am sure he will really enjoy being with the other children. Love Dad