Wednesday, January 21, 2009


OK, I know I have been a pretty slack blogger lately, but it's amazing how much less time you have to do things like blog when you have to work. This is kind of an assortment of everything that's been going on in our lives in the last several weeks.

First of all, our church called and asked us if we could be the "Holy Family" for the Christmas Pageant. They like to have a newborn for Jesus, but the family that was going to do it got sick so they started making calls to find a baby Jesus. After calling several families with younger babies, they ended up on Carter (a 7 month old at the time). We thought it would be fun to do and it was. I even had to say a line as Mary. Carter did great; he sat up in the manger the whole time and played with the straw. He was a pretty cute baby Jesus if you ask me.

The next momentous occasion was the lowering of Carter's mattress. I went to get him one morning and he was almost half way hanging over the edge. I told Scott that when we got home from work that day the mattress HAD to be lowered. It was kind of sad to see the change.....we don't have a newborn anymore.

Since I had to go back to work and we haven't been able to get Carter into daycare, Granny had to come save the day! She has dropped what she was doing back in MB and come to keep Carter for the next couple of months. It has been wonderful having her here, and I think Carter really loves it. They get to play, hang out outside, and play with the doggies all day. (I'm totally jealous)

Finally, (and this just happened on Monday) Carter experienced his first snow. Who would've thought! But sure enough we got a little covering on the deck, so dad took him out to take a few pics in the snow.

And last but certainly not least, Carter got a new cousin on Monday. My sister had to have an emergency C-section on Monday because her placenta was rupturing. So, we got Noah 9 weeks early. He was 4lbs. and 4ozs. He was having a little bit of trouble breathing because his lungs weren't fully developed so they sent him to the NICU in Florence. But he is doing much better and Holly is doing great. I don't have any pictures because I haven't gotten to meet him yet, but hopefully I'll get to see him Saturday and the pics will be forthcoming.


The Morgans said...

Carter makes a very cute baby Jesus and what an honor for them to call and want you to do that?!! You really have an awesome mom!!!!! So glad Holly is okay and I will pray for Noah!!!! How is the new job? Looks like things are going great! Love!

Chap and Heather said...

Yea!! I was wondering when you were going to post pics of our little heavenly boy =) Amber, that pic of him on your mom's lap with his little cap on...he looks just like YOU there!! I had to do a double know I've been torn on that one! =)

PS...still praying for Holly, keep me posted!

Anonymous said...

Things were fairly busy and now with Holly and Noah they just moved into high gear. But you know we will all make it working together like we always do along with friends and prayer. Love you Papa

Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

Brittany- i know, it was very fun to be the holy family. the job is going good (not as good as staying at home, but good!)

Heather - You know i never get tired of hearing he looks like me. i could hear that everyday!

Papa-I'm just glad you and mom are retired!!

Jaysey said...

No offense--but it's kind of creeping me out to see you dressed as the Holy Family.

Carter looks pretty spoiled--what with a live-in g-ma to give him all that attention and that super cute bedroom. He's not loved at all, is he? ;-)

Amber, Scott, and Carter said...

Jenn - no offense taken, it was actually kind of weird to be called "the holy family". And yes Carter has a pretty sweet life.